Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Compare & Contrast: Obama And Romney Speech

Compare and Contrast: Obama And Romney Speech
In Romney's speech he talked about what Obama hasn't done for the U.S. that he had promised. He spoke of his background and his family. Also, he included what he could do to help america, he mostly spoke of the same subject. He also spoke a lot about president Obama President Obama mentioned Romney in his speech several times, but he spoke of many different subjects. He speech consisted of these following subjects: Tax increases on the rich, education, the future, war, business, and the middle class. Obama had a more diverse speech compared to Romney. Obama also spoke of the things he is going to do for america that could not be done in four years. In my opinion they had really great speeches. In comparison they both spoke of  economic problems, family, taxes, jobs and hope for a better future.

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